At last I have some material with which to post an interesting update.Yesterday I went to the Consulate-General of Japan in Detroit to apply for my work visa (the same Consulate that I applied to earlier in the year.) When I returned home I found an e-mail in my in box with the details as to where I'll be staying!
Turns out I'll be living in Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa-ken. With a little effort and some creativity, I think I managed to find a satellite image of my apartment complex.
And while I will not be mentioning my employer by name, if one was clever they might find out who I'll be working for somehow. They've been in the news too.
I leave on the 4th of September and (thanks to the international date line) arrive on the 5th. I'm getting pretty excited that it's only 2 1/2 weeks away. I'll keep posting as I learn more.
Jaa Mata Ne!